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Crystal Infused Scrunchies

In 2023, I was going through old fabric and reminiscing on when I use to make scrunchies, I wanted to make and sell them again but how could they be related to my current business style, then it hit me. I remembered how many of our customers at the markets love my jewellery but couldn't wear them due to work reason so they would buy tumbles to carry with them to work, so the properties from the crystal would help them, many times they would come back to buy more tumbles because they would lose them. So I thought about making a scrunchie that you can wear in our hair but it contains chips of crystals small enough that it woudn't bother you when wearing them in your hair but perfect to still benefit from the crystals, and thats when Earthbounds crystal infused scrunchies were born. 


What does each scrunchies help with?

Our scrunchies contain 1 chip of each crystal; Sunstone, Carnelian, Moonstone, Peridot, Labradorite, Hematite, Amethyst, Opalite, Rose quartz, Tiger eye, Obsidian & Clear Quartz.


Helps with;

Abuse of any kind, Abundence & wealth, Addictions, Anger, Anxiety, Business success, Calming, Chakra alignment, Confidence, Communication, Creativity, Depression, Emotional stability, Exhaustion, Grief, Grounding, Nightmares, Natural connection, Memory, PMS & ADHD, Prosperity & success, Protection, Self esteem, Stress, Spirtual connection & Trauma. 

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